Mother’s Day Photo Frame


Our personalised wooden frames fit a 4×6″ photo of your loved ones perfectly inside. Finished off with a personalised message if you wish and acrylic details.

The perfect gift for any Mum. They can pop this on their desk, on their bedside or display units. We have the option to add a mini easel to freestand if you wish.

Ensure to leave your engraving in the notes section below exactly how you would like it to be engraved. The same font will be used for all photo frames as pictured.

Acrylic name: Nonna in white acrylic
Engraved text: We love you!

Portrait display only and fits a 4×6″ photo inside. Simply slide it in through the top. The recipients name will be in acrylic text as well as matching daisies.

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All items are made to order. Please allow up to 7 business days making time.
  • All wooden items may have slight variations in colour of your wood due to layers and grain layout.
  • Payments are required in full at time of order.
  • If a design proof is required for your order, it will be emailed within 5 business days after your order is received.
  • Due to the custom nature of each order, no returns are accepted.
  • All orders are shipped from Perth, WA Australia.

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 32 × 22 × 500 cm

Yes, No


White Acrylic, Black Acrylic, Barbi, Baby Blue, Sherbet, Lilac, Baby Yellow, Spearmint, Baby Pink, Blush, Beige, Clay, Grey, Sage

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